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UNDERinsured & UNinsured Drivers

A basic auto policy has several different types of coverage. Today let's talk about the medical payments and UNDERinsured and UNinsured motorist coverage.

The medical payment coverage pays for the treatment of injuries to you and your passengers. This coverage can include medical bills, lost wages, as well as funeral costs. It is important to consider the potential expenses that could be incurred in the event of an accident and your possible out of pocket expenses if your coverage is too low.

So what happens if you are hit by a driver that doesn't have insurance? This is where the uninsured motorist coverage comes in. This coverage covers you if you, a member of your family or designated driver of your vehicle is hit by a hit-and-run driver or uninsured driver.

The UNDERinsured motorist coverage comes into play when an at-fault driver doesn't have enough coverage of their own to pay for your expenses incurred from the accident. This coverage also covers you if you are a pedestrian. BUT keep in mind that this coverage does not cover property damage - in some states it does, but in Oklahoma it does not.

Something to consider instead of limiting coverage is to increase your deductible amount on a higher limit policy. Your premium will be less and your coverage will be more.